Monday - Friday | 7:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.
Gassville, AR | (870) 425-4353
Magness Oil Company

Fuel Logic

Fuel Logic is an all-encompassing dispatch software that enables customers to order fuel in an expedited manner. The entire process is digitally tracked with GPS mapping functions, and the customer is notified of progress on their order with digital stats and real-time tracking.

With Fuel Logic, convenience store owners can track fuel management and tank levels from any location. This includes ordering capabilities and alerts. Paperless invoicing allows iPad signature functionality for delivery receipts and invoicing purposes. 

Overseeing driver schedules has never been easier with a drag and drop schedule manager.

While most transport companies are still using spreadsheets and clipboards, Magness has paved the way in the fuel industry with Fuel Logic innovation software.  Magness developed and produced the Fuel Logic software internally, based on years of experience in the field and continued growth and need.


  • DTN PRICING INTEGRATION - DTN is the world leader in price quoting for any commodity, including fuel.  Customers can log in and see real-time price updates.
  • CUSTOMER ORDER PLACING APPLICATION - Customers have a personalized login on the Magness website, allowing them to order fuel at any time, using the real-time prices.  Customers can also schedule orders in advance.  
  • AUTOMATED PRICING DELIVERY - Every morning, customers receive price quotes emailed to their inbox.
  • DISPATCH DASHBOARD WITH REPORTING - Magness dispatch team can see real-time numbers, increasing efficiency and pinpointing problem areas quickly.
  • FUEL PRICING MANAGEMENT - Magness has the ability to edit and adjust pricing as needed. 
  • FULLY FUNCTIONAL Content Management System (CRM) - Magness can control settings and manage the software internally.